Saint Martin's 教师 and students


Saint Martin's offers a wide range of under研究生, 研究生, and 证书项目 to help prepare you to make a positive difference in your lives and the lives of others. In addition to program-specific learning outcomes, our community of lifelong learnings, 教师, staff and abbey members are here to support you as you deepen your critical thinking skills, 沟通技巧, 全球和文化能力, and a sense social responsibility and civic engagement needed to be tomorrow's change leaders.

29 academic majors  |  60 programs  |  11 研究生 programs

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There are many resources available to support you on your academic journey at Saint Martin's!



At Saint Martin’s University, our students are scholars, scientists, philosophers and artists. 他们是否在学习 教育 or 工程生物学 or 业务圣人受我们的指引 天主教,本笃会的价值观, which include dignity of work, 听 and 正义. Saints learn with a mission—to determine how they will make a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of others. 你要学什么??

Photo of SMU Chemistry professor and student in lab


Our 教师 craft a curriculum that goes beyond a simple job-focused outcome. The skills you develop in class flourish through leadership roles and participation in research alongside your professors. 接下来你会学到什么?

Photo of SMU baseball cap in Vietnam


In his recent encyclical, Pope Francis reminds us that we are “one world with a common plan.” As a means to this end, we encourage all our students to participate in study abroad. Live and learn in over 20 countries around the globe. 北,南,东,西. 你要往哪个方向走?



什么是有意义的生活? For our alumni it is commitment to social 正义, sustainability and a life of compassionate 服务, 不管他们的职业是什么. How will you make your life meaningful?


Close up of students working on a bookmarked book, with pens in hand.





Saint Martin’s University cross-country star Cassidy Walchak-Sloan sets campus record at national meet and earns All-American Honors

莱西,洗. - Saint Martin’s University senior Cassidy Walchak-Sloan says she enjoys cross-country running because it pushes her to her limits. And at the national meet late this fall, she discovered those limits are amazingly high after she set a university record and made history by becoming the second Saint Martin’s University female distance runner to earn All-American honors.